Barn Quilt Trail of Benton County, MO
Welcome to the Barn Quilt Trail of Benton County, MO!
There are few things more scenic than a colorful quilt block on an historic barn in a beautiful rural setting of green grass, rolling hills, tall trees, and peaceful cattle. Come celebrate Benton County’s history and heritage of agriculture, family farms, nature and wildlife, rivers, lakes, and forests on the Benton County Barn Quilt Trail.
Each barn quilt square on the Barn Quilt Trail is unique, the colors and pattern carefully chosen to represent and reflect the history of the barn and the family who owns it. Old barns are a lot like people – they all have a story to tell. Each barn was (or is) a family symbol, a geographic landmark that symbolized the family whose lives were dependent upon it and the surrounding land for their income.
We welcome visitors with open arms and hope you will come and enjoy our gorgeous barn quilt squares and our historic barns, our beautiful scenery, and our friendly people. Everything you really need, we have in abundance – nature, water, open spaces, and clean air. We also have dining, shopping, lodging – fishing, boating, kayaking, and so much more.
The tour includes historical information on different styles of barns and their intended uses. These barns and other attractions (and quaint towns) along the route build upon the area’s heritage and all have something in common; they thrive from the involvement and cooperation of the community in which they reside.
Additionally, Benton County, MO is also known for it’s quilting guilds, quilters and quilting shops.
How the barn quilt trail came to be
Our committee of enthusiastic local individuals has worked diligently to secure barns for the beautiful quilt squares. We work alongside a talented local artist, Mrs. Kathie Kinkaid-Hubbard of Hubbard Holler. Hubbard has been doing these amazing barn quilt squares for many years.
Moreover, the committee took great care to select the first 10 barns when they began the trail in 2022- based on their history, heritage, agriculture, location and visibility from paved roads that are close to already existing assets throughout Benton County. There were an additional 10 squares brought to life in 2023 and we are working on more for the new year 2024.
After applying for a grant through the MO Humanities Council for the first 20 squares, the dream has become a reality. We are extremely grateful to them for providing the matched funding to begin this vision. Benton County Tourism & Recreation also committed $2,500 to this project since its inception.
#1 Deborah Eckhoff – 17305 Highway W, Cole Camp, MO
The Eckhoff farm has been in the family since 1919 when it was purchased by Diedrich Eckhoff. It became a Century Farm in 2019. The barn was built in 1950 by Lawrence Eckhoff. Additionally, it served as storage for hay and grain and was also used for milking and feeding cattle.
Moreover, the farm helped to support twelve children that Lawrence and Elda raised.
Both mothers of Mrs. and Mrs. Eckhoff were quilters. Deborah’s mother Alice, worked at the quilting factory in Stover for years. During this time, she made a lot of personal quilts.
#2 Josh and Katie Jackson – 15000 Rehmer Rd, Cole Camp, MO
For years this barn was known locally as the Bahrenberg Farm and where Harold (Barney) Bahrenberg and his sister Juanita grew up.
There is an interesting history tied to the acreage and area as it once belonged to Squire Frederick Behrens and his wife Margaret Bockelman, who operated a store. The two came from Louisiana in 1855. Interestingly, they had their store on the old farm, three miles east of Cole Camp. The supplies for the store was hauled from Boonville by oxen teams.
Squire Behrens served in the Union army in the original Benton County Hussars. He was injured and discharged in January, 1863.
#3 KATHY BRUNER – 400 N Booneville (U Highway), Cole Camp, MO
This farm now owned by Kathy Bruner (Bob) was purchased from Bob & Ethyl Smith in 1985, who had previously purchased it from the Koeller family. Prior to that the farm was owned by the Monsees family, who were believed to have settled in 1844 (and stayed in the family until 1954).
Part of the farm was given for the original Monsees Church and Cemetery that still bears the family name. It is believed the large barn was on the farm at the time of the civil war, making it one of the oldest standing barns in Benton County.
The foundation is stones brought from the creek and the current owner, Kathy Bruner, has had restoration work done on the barn and the foundation to assure it will be preserved.
Currently the barn serves as a shelter and feed lot for the two “spoiled” pasture horses per Kathy.
#4 Bob and Wanda Brown – 400 N Booneville (U Highway), Cole Camp, MO
This barn was constructed by the Eickhoffs to house horses and probably a milk cow as many of the early residents had “mini” farmettes even in the city limits.
E.L. and Betty Eickhoff, owners of the barn, later used it for beef cattle and storage. When Benton County Tourism wanted to display a barn quilt on it, Wanda Brown wanted to design the quilt. She did, to honor E.L’s years as a pilot. Especially his service in WWII, flying the hump in China, which many times was a death sentence.
The center section of the barn was the original part of the barn. But E.L. added the lean-to on the North and South sides in the 1960’s to be used for hay storage.
#5 Brent Otten and Tammy Schrader – 15891 Highway F, Cole Camp, MO
The house and barn, was originally constructed in the mid-1960s by Reno and Ruby Viebrock. When they acquired the land Reno moved the older home on the property across the road. Then, they built the house and barn we see today.
When Reno and Ruby moved to town the property was acquired by the Otten family. This is now the home of Brent Otten and Tammy Schrader. The house has recently had a large update. The barn remains much as the way it was originally constructed.
#6 Cecil Harms/Cheryl Sparks – 19659 Highway P, Ionia, MO
The farm has been in the family sine 1978 with the barn being built in 1860. It was used as a horse and hay barn. Currently the farm is a working farm for crops.
The barn quilt square selected was because of its vibrant colors.
#7 Jeff and Christy Tolliver – 16509 Boyer Ave, Cole Camp, MO
This barn is well over 100 years old and is a horse/hay barn, which has 4 stalls for horses, 2 tack rooms and a loft for the hay. The Tolliver’s have owned the barn for 37 years.
Fred & Rayma Joy Wenig selected a design for their barn on HH highway 3 miles north of Lincoln. The farm consists of 180 acres.
The Wenig farm is a century acreage, originally purchased by Fred’s grandfather, William C. Wenig in 1909. Fred’s father, Claus Wenig bought the acreage in 1913 and together with his wife, Minnie Frisch Wenig, they raised seven children, Helen Wenig Hesse, Elsie Wenig Wischmeir, Etna Wenig Meyer, Ethyl Ann Wenig Wurdeman, Earl Wenig, Kermit Wenig and the baby, Fred.
Fred and Rayma Joy Wenig bought the family farm in 1978. The main Barn of the farm had been connected to the silo and was where the family fed their livestock. Manure had to be removed annually and was spread on the land for fertilization. The big barn was lost to a wind storm in 2009 but it had lots of stories to tell.
It had a tongue and groove hay loft floor and Fred’s father would conduct barn dances there after the winter’s hay had been fed. In 1929, when 65 highway was being constructed through Missouri, Claus and Minnie made a little money by allowing twelve workmen to sleep in the loft and house their work teams in the stalls. Horse power was being used to construct the new highway. Claus cared for the work horses and Minnie cooked and fed the men daily.
Milking was done in the smaller red barn that still stands today and Fred actually has his milking stool when milking was done by hand. Sadly the house was lost to fire after Fred purchased the property. In his present day home he has precious mementoes from the old barn that Elbert Smith designed and built for him. Elbert took part of the old hay loft door and cut it down. On the door is mounted part of the hay track, the hay track pulley, the hay fork and even the rope that was used to operate the fork.
The barn quilt design has patriotic colors with the famous “W” that was always on all the Wenig Gunstock logos, plus the image of a gun that will personalize this historic barn and the wonderful Century Farm it presides over.
The Eifert farm has been in the family since 1898 when it was purchased by George and Rosa Eifert. The farm is a 5th generation farm. The barn was built in the 1960’s, and the last one to be built by Brian’s grandpa Elmer Eifert) and has been used to house tractors and equipment for their farming operations.
The farm provides corn and soybeans for local feed mills and is a 5th Generation Century Farm, one of the oldest in Benton County and is also a Missouri Century Farm.
They chose the design and colors for the “Gleaner” farm equipment.
The Stone farm was purchased by William and Eva Stone in 1938. In April of 1960, J.W. and Shirley Stone acquired the farm, where they raised their two daughters. The Stone’s utilized this farm for their livestock and row crop operation. The bar was built, n 1972, and served as storage for the machinery used every day on the farm.
Shirley’s Mother (Etna Meyer) was an avid quilter. For Christmas of 2021, their daughters Kathryn and Marsha gifted this barn quilt to their mother. The pattern was chosen because it reminds them of the family heirlooms made by Shirley’s mother.
The Staus farm has been in the family for 13 years and is being used as a livestock barn. Unusually, there is no loft in the barn so it has not been usable to store hay for the livestock.
The farming operations consist of row crops and livestock, of which the Staus’ have been in business for 36 years. They are unsure of the history of the barn prior to their purchase.
They chose the colors because they use John Deere machinery.
#12 – Dennis and Judy Frisch – 20746 Frisch Rd, Lincoln, mo
This barn has been in the Frisch family since 1959 with the original farmstead and land. These were purchased in the 1860’s by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mueller/Miller. It was owned by numerous families prior to 1959.
Dennis and Judy Frisch have lived on he farm sine 1996 when they built a house. They tore down the old farm house as it was in bad repair. However, Mr. Frisch remembers the summer of 1963 when his brother, wife Patsy, and daughter Shelley Frisch Young, lived in the old house. It had electricity, a bathroom and phone until the late 1960’s.
Dennis and his brother Gary Frisch both worked on the farm with their dad Clarence. They raised Brangus Cattle. The uses of the barn have always been for hay storage and feeding cattle.
Presently the farm is leased and is used for a cow/calf operation and for hay bailing in the summer.
The quilt pattern selected was a nine patch, which Dennis’ Grandmother Louise Frisch (Mrs. Oliver) made for Clarence Frisch and Stella Schnakenberg’s wedding in 1943.
#13 – Lincoln Airport – 501 Highway 65, Lincoln, mo
This airport is unique in that is one of the remaining grass strip airports in Missouri. We celebrate an unusual and special event annually called the Lincoln Fly-In. At this event, pilots fly-in and the town welcomes them warmly with refreshments and food. Pilots are able to utilize the airport any day of the year.
The airport was established with a $10,000 grant in 1969, Lincoln’s Centennial year.
#14 – nICK jOHNSON – 20708 rOTERMUND aVE, lINCOLN, mo
The barn was built by the Rotermund family that had settled on the land in 1855. It could be said that the Rotermund family founded the town as much of it was built on the Rotermund family farm. The Rotermund family raised purebred livestock in the form of hogs, cattle and horses and none was more famous than the Rotermund Percherom draft horses that won awards far and wide. When the present day owners decided to install a barn quilt they chose to honor the family with a Percheron Draft horse on the quilt.
– Pete and Terri Richardson – 22344 H Highway, Lincoln
The farm was purchased in May of 2015 by the Richardson’s. The purpose of the barn is for utilization of the calving process for Richardson Ranch to house registered Angus females and their newborn calves to prevent exposure to outdoor elements.
Over 80 years ago, Terri’s great-grandparents lived on this farm and used this barn for their dairy cows.
This pattern was selected because it reminds them of an Indian pattern and some of Terri’s family have Indian heritage.
Schuyler was a depot stop for the little train as it traveled through Benton County from Sedalia to Warsaw. It was originally known as Failers but became Schuyler in 1896. The depot was a 16×32 foot frame building with a 40×84 foot stock pen for shipping cattle. There was also a small store and post office located along with the depot.
The depot burned and the railroad replaced it with an old boxcar, minus its wheels. One end had a door and a window for the Agent’s office while the other end retained the sliding door for the storage of freight. The little train ceased operations in August of 1946.
The stock pens can still be seen as well as where the weight scales were located. The Benton County Historical Society has marked the area for its historical significance to the area.
#18 – LeRoy and Vickie Whitaker – 18285 Lone Star Rd, Warsaw, MO
This barn was built in approximately 1928 and the farm has been in the family since 1926, owned originally by Roy and Anna Whitaker. It was used as a sale barn for livestock in the 1930’s and 1940’s.
#19 – henderson ranch – 23848 highway 7, warsaw, mo
One of the barns on the Henderson Ranch sports this beautiful sunflower quilt pattern with an “H” in the center (for Henderson). The Henderson Ranch is known far and wide and was originally founded by Wyman Henderson.
When Wyman and his wife Eva began their cattle ranch the area had many small 40 acre tracts which had been acquired and grown into what is today, a 3800 acre spread.
Wyman and Eva became sole owners of the Warsaw Auction Company in 1959 (present day Corner Gardens on Main Street in Warsaw). The Auction Company was sold in 1980 for health reasons and he and his son, Scotty concentrated on running the ranch. Wyman passed on in 1999 and Scotty stepped up to fill his father’s shoes. Time evolves and now Scotty’s children, Thad Henderson and Leslie Henderson-Grace, are overseeing what their grandparents built. They have wisely kept up with the times and market beef in new innovative ways and have even opened the doors to tourism too with hunting ground for lease, a fishing area and water access, two AirBnB’s onsite, and a new food truck that sells their products. They are immersed in agri-tourism and all pull together to keep what Wyman and Eva worked so hard to build.
#20 – Lucas Oil Company – 26576 Hwy 7, Edwards, MO
The Beyer farm has been in the family for 36 years, when it was purchased by Darrell and Norma Beyer. The barn was built in the 1940’s and is used for farm equipment and storage.
Homer and Jewel and Ames lived at the farm until about 1976 or 1977 . Homer and Jewel had no children. Homer’s parents were Ellis and Belle (Woirhaye) Ames . Belle died when Homer and his brother Brad were young boys. The family moved here from the Butler, Missouri area in the 1880’s. They had 45 grandchildren. The last Woirhaye grandchild was Retha she died at 104 years old, Retha Walker and her husband Vayne lived beside the Fristoe Baptist Church.
How to become part of the Benton County Barn Quilt Trail
If you are interested in being part of the Benton County barn quilt trail and having your own square, please contact Benton County Tourism at or 660-438-2090 for more information.
There is a cost as all grant money has been disbursed at this time. Please note that all quilt designs must be straight-line or approved by the committee for any custom designs (such as logos, etc).
The cost for a 6-8 color 4’x4′ is $250 and a 6’x6′ up to 6-8 color is $400. Logos, additional customization and colors are an additional cost, along with any designs that are not straight-line. Hubbard Holler or Janet Manson are the artists doing the squares and can be contacted for a quote. Additionally, artists may require a deposit before beginning work.
Barn Quilt Trail Criteria
Barn Quilt Trail Facts
Owner Consent Form
Barn Details Forms